我们研究了\ textit {在线}低率矩阵完成的问题,并使用$ \ mathsf {m} $用户,$ \ mathsf {n} $项目和$ \ mathsf {t} $ rounds。在每回合中,我们建议每个用户一项。对于每个建议,我们都会从低级别的用户项目奖励矩阵中获得(嘈杂的)奖励。目的是设计一种以下遗憾的在线方法(以$ \ mathsf {t} $)。虽然该问题可以映射到标准的多臂强盗问题,其中每个项目都是\ textit {独立}手臂,但由于没有利用武器和用户之间的相关性,因此遗憾会导致遗憾。相比之下,由于低级别的歧管的非凸度,利用奖励矩阵的低排列结构是具有挑战性的。我们使用探索-Commit(etc)方法克服了这一挑战,该方法确保了$ O(\ Mathsf {polylog}(\ Mathsf {m}+\ \ \ \ \ Mathsf {n})\ Mathsf {t}^{2/2/ 3})$。 That is, roughly only $\mathsf{polylog} (\mathsf{M}+\mathsf{N})$ item recommendations are required per user to get non-trivial solution.我们进一步改善了排名$ 1 $设置的结果。在这里,我们提出了一种新颖的算法八进制(使用迭代用户群集的在线协作过滤),以确保$ O(\ Mathsf {polylog}(\ Mathsf {M}+\ Mathsf {N})几乎最佳的遗憾。 ^{1/2})$。我们的算法使用了一种新颖的技术,可以共同和迭代地消除项目,这使我们能够在$ \ Mathsf {t} $中获得几乎最小的最佳速率。
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为了捕获许多社区检测问题的固有几何特征,我们建议使用一个新的社区随机图模型,我们称之为\ emph {几何块模型}。几何模型建立在\ emph {随机几何图}(Gilbert,1961)上,这是空间网络的随机图的基本模型之一,就像在ERD \ H上建立的良好的随机块模型一样{o} s-r \'{en} yi随机图。它也是受到社区发现中最新的理论和实际进步启发的随机社区模型的自然扩展。为了分析几何模型,我们首先为\ emph {Random Annulus图}提供新的连接结果,这是随机几何图的概括。自引入以来,已经研究了几何图的连通性特性,并且由于相关的边缘形成而很难分析它们。然后,我们使用随机环形图的连接结果来提供必要的条件,以有效地为几何块模型恢复社区。我们表明,一种简单的三角计数算法来检测几何模型中的社区几乎是最佳的。为此,我们考虑了两个图密度方案。在图表的平均程度随着顶点的对数增长的状态中,我们表明我们的算法在理论上和实际上都表现出色。相比之下,三角计数算法对于对数学度方案中随机块模型远非最佳。我们还查看了图表的平均度与顶点$ n $的数量线性增长的状态,因此要存储一个需要$ \ theta(n^2)$内存的图表。我们表明,我们的算法需要在此制度中仅存储$ o(n \ log n)$边缘以恢复潜在社区。
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恢复来自简单测量的稀疏向量的支持是一个广泛研究的问题,考虑在压缩传感,1位压缩感测和更通用的单一索引模型下。我们考虑这个问题的概括:线性回归的混合物,以及线性分类器的混合物,其中目标是仅使用少量可能嘈杂的线性和1位测量来恢复多个稀疏载体的支持。关键挑战是,来自不同载体的测量是随机混合的。最近也接受了这两个问题。在线性分类器的混合物中,观察结果对应于查询的超平面侧随机未知向量,而在线性回归的混合物中,我们观察在查询的超平面上的随机未知向量的投影。从混合物中回收未知载体的主要步骤是首先识别所有单个组分载体的支持。在这项工作中,我们研究了足以在这两种模型中恢复混合物中所有组件向量的支持的测量数量。我们提供使用$ k,\ log n $和准多项式在$ \ ell $中使用多项式多项式的算法,以恢复在每个人的高概率中恢复所有$ \ ell $未知向量的支持组件是$ k $ -parse $ n $ -dimensional向量。
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模糊或柔软$ k $ -means目标是众所周知的$ k $ -means问题的流行泛化,将$ k $ -means扩展到不确定,模糊和否则难以群集的数据集的聚类能力。在本文中,我们提出了一个半监督的主动聚类框架,其中允许学习者与Oracle(域专家)进行交互,询问一组所选项目之间的相似性。我们研究了本框架中的聚类查询和计算复杂性。我们证明具有一些这样的相似性查询使得一个人能够将多项式时间近似算法获得到另外的辅助NP难题。特别是,我们提供了在此设置中的模糊聚类的算法,该算法询问$ O(\ mathsf {poly}(k)\ log n)$相似查询并使用多项式 - 时间复杂度运行,其中$ n $是项目的数量。模糊$ k $ -means目标是非渗透,$ k $ -means作为一个特殊情况,相当于一些其他通用非核解问题,如非负矩阵分解。普遍存在的LLOYD型算法(或交替的最小化算法)可以以局部最小粘在一起。我们的结果表明,通过制作一些相似性查询,问题变得更加易于解决。最后,我们通过现实世界数据集测试我们的算法,展示了其在现实世界应用中的有效性。
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The devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic makes it imperative to design automated techniques for a fast and accurate detection. We propose a novel non-invasive tool, using deep learning and imaging, for delineating COVID-19 infection in lungs. The Ensembling Attention-based Multi-scaled Convolution network (EAMC), employing Leave-One-Patient-Out (LOPO) training, exhibits high sensitivity and precision in outlining infected regions along with assessment of severity. The Attention module combines contextual with local information, at multiple scales, for accurate segmentation. Ensemble learning integrates heterogeneity of decision through different base classifiers. The superiority of EAMC, even with severe class imbalance, is established through comparison with existing state-of-the-art learning models over four publicly-available COVID-19 datasets. The results are suggestive of the relevance of deep learning in providing assistive intelligence to medical practitioners, when they are overburdened with patients as in pandemics. Its clinical significance lies in its unprecedented scope in providing low-cost decision-making for patients lacking specialized healthcare at remote locations.
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Speech systems are sensitive to accent variations. This is especially challenging in the Indian context, with an abundance of languages but a dearth of linguistic studies characterising pronunciation variations. The growing number of L2 English speakers in India reinforces the need to study accents and L1-L2 interactions. We investigate the accents of Indian English (IE) speakers and report in detail our observations, both specific and common to all regions. In particular, we observe the phonemic variations and phonotactics occurring in the speakers' native languages and apply this to their English pronunciations. We demonstrate the influence of 18 Indian languages on IE by comparing the native language pronunciations with IE pronunciations obtained jointly from existing literature studies and phonetically annotated speech of 80 speakers. Consequently, we are able to validate the intuitions of Indian language influences on IE pronunciations by justifying pronunciation rules from the perspective of Indian language phonology. We obtain a comprehensive description in terms of universal and region-specific characteristics of IE, which facilitates accent conversion and adaptation of existing ASR and TTS systems to different Indian accents.
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Due to the lack of human resources for mental health support, there is an increasing demand for employing conversational agents for support. Recent work has demonstrated the effectiveness of dialogue models in providing emotional support. As previous studies have demonstrated that seekers' persona is an important factor for effective support, we investigate whether there are benefits to modeling such information in dialogue models for support. In this paper, our empirical analysis verifies that persona has an important impact on emotional support. Therefore, we propose a framework for dynamically inferring and modeling seekers' persona. We first train a model for inferring the seeker's persona from the conversation history. Accordingly, we propose PAL, a model that leverages persona information and, in conjunction with our strategy-based controllable generation method, provides personalized emotional support. Automatic and manual evaluations demonstrate that our proposed model, PAL, achieves state-of-the-art results, outperforming the baselines on the studied benchmark. Our code and data are publicly available at https://github.com/chengjl19/PAL.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Fast timescale state estimation for a large power system can be challenging if the sensors producing the measurements are few in number. This is particularly true for doing time-synchronized state estimation for a transmission system that has minimal phasor measurement unit (PMU) coverage. This paper proposes a Deep Neural network-based State Estimator (DeNSE) to overcome this extreme unobservability problem. For systems in which the existing PMU infrastructure is not able to bring the estimation errors within acceptable limits using the DeNSE, a data-driven incremental PMU placement methodology is also introduced. The practical utility of the proposed approach is demonstrated by considering topology changes, non-Gaussian measurement noise, bad data detection and correction, and large system application.
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